职  称:教授


荣宪伟,1973年3月出生,教授,硕士生导师。现任物理与电子工程学院光电信息工程系副主任。 2009年获得哈尔滨师范大学课外学术科技活动优秀指导教师。 2009年获得校优秀中青年教师教学奖暨宁齐堃中青年教师课堂教学优秀奖。 2017年获得哈尔滨师范大学第十届教学名师奖。



  • 1) 2008年获得黑龙江省高校科学技术一等奖(第2名)。
    2) 2008年获得黑龙江省科学技术三等奖(第2名)。


  • 主讲课程:Matlab,嵌入式技术与应用,DSP原理与开发应用。


  • 主持或担任科研项目:
    1) 2022.7~2025.7 以第一参加人承担黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目(LH2022F038):复杂条件下轻量级船舶检测方法研究(在研);
    2) 2014.1~2017.1 主持省教育厅科学技术项目(12541225):光诱导钽铌酸钾锂光子晶格及电光调制特性研究 (已结题);
    3) 2008.1-2010.12以第一参加人承担国家自然科学基金项目(60777006):数字信息立体显示的快速全息记录方法研究(已结题);
    4) 2015.1~2017.12参加国家自然科学基金(61401127):基于自适应活动轮廓模型的彩色立体图像分割新方法研究(已结题);
    5) 2008.1~2011.12 以第一参加人承担教育部留学回国人员启动项目:数据驱动的视频编码系统研究(已结题);
    6) 2018.7~2021.7 以第一参加人承担黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目(F2018022): 基于几何活动轮廓模型的复杂医学图像分割新方法研究(已结题);
    7) 2007.1~2009.3参加黑龙江省留学回国人员专项资金项目(LC06C17):数据驱动的并行视频压缩系统的研究(已结题);
    8) 2010.1~2012.12参加黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目:双目立体视频编码系统关键技术研究(已结题);
    9) 2013.1-2015.1主持校国家级预研项目(12xkyy06):基于钽铌酸钾锂晶体的高速电控全息激光偏转器研究(已结题)。
    期刊论文 (*corresponding author)
    1. Xianwei Rong; Donghua Jiang; Mingwen Zheng; Xiaoyan Yu; Xingyuan Wang. Meaningful data encryption scheme based on newly designed chaotic map and P-tensor product compressive sensing in WBANs, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, 11(3): 2831-2847
    2. Xiaofan Hou; Xianwei Rong; Xiaoyan Yu*. Light-SRNet: a lightweight dual-attention feature fusion network for hand-drawn sketch recognition, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2023, 32(01):013005-(2-17)
    3.Cunyi Lin, Xianwei Rong, Xiaoyan Yu*, MSAFF-Net: Multiscale Attention Feature Fusion Networks for Single Image Dehazing and Beyond, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2022,doi: 10.1109/TMM.2022.3155937(Early Access)
    4.Mengyao Zhang; Xianwei Rong; Xiaoyan Yu*. Light-SDNet: A Lightweight CNN Architecture for Ship Detection, IEEE Access, 2022, 10(8): 86647-86662
    5. Zhen Zhang, Xiaoyan Yu, Xianwei Rong, Makoto Iwata, Spatial-Temporal Neural Network for P300 Detection, IEEE Access, 2021, 9(12): 163441-163455
    6.Cunyi Lin, Xianwei Rong, Ming Liu, Xiaoyan Yu*. Attn-Eh ALN: complex text-to-image generation with attention-enhancing adversarial learning networks. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 2020, 29 (06)
    7. Weihan Wang, Ying Zhou, Xiaoyan Yu*. Edge-SIFT for improved image classification using Multi-scale Gabor. ICIC Express Letters,2019,13(2):119-126
    8.Zhen Zhang, Xianwei Rong, Ming Li, Xiaoyan Yu*, High-density salt-and-pepper noise removal using adaptive weighted kriging interpolation filter, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(5):053045
    9.Zili. Fan, Xianwei Rong, Xiaoyan Yu*. Region of Interested Based Medical Image Compression Using Block-to-Row Bidirectional Principal Component Analysis, ICIC Express Letters, 2017, 11(12):1765-1772
    10.Haoyu. Wang, Xiaoyan Yu, Xianwei Rong, All-optical AND, XOR, and NOT logic gates based on Y -branch photonic crystal waveguide. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(7):077101
    11. Yuanyang Xue, Xiaoyan Yu*, Xianwei Rong. Local Stereo Matching Using Weighted Pixel Statistics and Texture Detection. Journal of Computing Information System, 2014, 10(14): 6161-6169
    12. Xianwei Rong, Xiaoyan Yu*, Chengxiang Guan, Hao Tian, A Hogel-based Holographic Recording System and Its Hologram Reconstruction Improvement. OPTIK, 2013, 184(18): 3642-3645
    13.Xiaoyan Yu, Qinyou Yang, Xianwei Rong. An Efficient Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Intensity-Weighted Correlation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2013, 217: 399-406
    14.Xiaoyan Yu, Xianwei Rong. Multi-Pattern Stereo Matching with Intensity-Weighted Correlation, International Journal of Advancement in Computing Technology, 2012, 4(18): 466-473
    15.Xianwei Rong, Xiaoyan Yu*, Chenxiang Guan. Multichannel holographic recording method for three-dimensional displays. Applied Optics, 2011, 50 (7): B77-80
    会议论文 (*corresponding author)
    1.Cunyi Lin, Xianwei Rong, Zhen Zhang, Xiaoyan Yu*. Complex text to image generation with attention-enhancing adversarial learning network, The 7th Inter. Symposium on Frontier Technology, 24-25 August 2019, Thailand, (Best paper awards)
    2. Zhen Zhang, Xianwei Rong, Cunyi Lin, Xiaoyan Yu*. Heavily-blurred single image super-resolution using a very deep dynamic convolutional network without large-scale training, The 7th Inter. Symposium on Frontier Technology, 24-25 August 2019, Thailand, (Best presentation awards)
    3.Heting Nie,Xianwei Rong,Xiaoyan Yu*.Optimization of LIS and LIP Encoding for SPIHT-Based Image Compression,2017 Data Compression Conference,Snowbird,USA,2017.4.4-2017.4.7
    4. Hongyu Qu,Xianwei Rong,Xiaoyan Yu*. Image Segmentation Using Improved Active Contour Model,Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Frontier Technology, 2017, Kochi,2017.11.6-2017.11.7
    5. Xianwei Rong, Xiaoyan Yu. An Electric Power Monitoring and Management System Based on Wireless Sensor Network. Proceedings of IEEE-EMEIT. 2011, 2: 609-612
    6.Xiaoyan Yu, Xianwei Rong. Pseudo Disparity Based Stereo Image Coding. Proceedings of ICIP, 2008: 2444-2447
    1) 荣宪伟; 薛远洋; 于晓艳; 一种基于改进的自适应加权和置信度传播的视差估计方法, 2017-01-25,中国, ZL201410323405.9
    2) 荣宪伟; 于晓艳; 张飙; 关承祥; 孙文军; 将三维数字信息记录在全息底片上的记录方法, 2009-10-14, 中国, ZL200710072592.8
    3) 于晓艳; 冯金蕾; 荣宪伟; 尹燕宗; 励强华; 基于双目视差和活动轮廓的自适应彩色图像分割方法,2017-01-11, 中国, ZL201410222045.3
    4) 于晓艳; 荣宪伟; 张彪; 关承祥; 孙文军; 励强华; 王旭宏; 数字信息立体显示的多通道全息记录方法, 2011-01-05, 中国, ZL200910307915.6v