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尹海涛,1972年11月生人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为分子、二维材料基器件输运性质的理论模拟。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等杂志上发表SCI论文30余篇,出版学术专著1部。主持完成黑龙江省自然科学基金2项,黑龙江省教育厅项目2项,横向课题3项。 教育及工作经历 1995.7毕业于齐齐哈尔大学物理系(获学士学位); 2006.7毕业于哈尔滨工业大学(获硕士学位); 2009.7毕业于哈尔滨工业大学(获博士学位); 1995.7-2008.9 呼兰学院物理系 2008.9-现在 哈尔滨师范大学物理系 2012.7-2013.7 和2016.1-2016.7 香港大学物理系 访学
研究兴趣 计算材料物理、自旋电子学、量子输运 招生方向 1.半导体材料及异质结电子结构研究; 2.分子器件光电性质、自旋输运性质研究; 3.纳米器件输运性质研究 主持和承担的科研项目 1.黑龙江教育厅项目, 耦合量子点体系中自旋极化输运性质的理论研究,2010/01-2012/12,项目负责人 2.教育部科学技术重点项目,光子晶体中磁性介质的电磁和光学性质研究,2010/01-2012/12,主要参加人 3.黑龙江自然科学基金项目, 量子点体系自旋极化和检测的研究2009/01-2011/12,项目负责人 4.国家自然科学基金项目, 近相界弛豫铁电PMN-PT单晶自洽全矩阵电机系数测试方法与理论,2007/01-2009/12, 参加人 5.黑龙江教育厅项目,电学方法实现量子点中自旋态调控和检测的理论研究2014/01-2016/12,项目负责人 6.黑龙江自然科学基金项目, 电场调控磁性分子自旋输运及光激发纯自旋流机理研究 2020/01-2023/12,项目负责人 代表性论文 1. Huan Wang, Jia Zhou, Xiaojie Liu, Chengbao Yao, Hua Li, Li Niu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin*, Spin transport through a junction entirely consisting of molecules from first principles,Appl. Phys. Lett 111, 172408 (2017). 2. Haitao Yin, Junli Chen, Yin Wang, Jian Wang and Hong Guo, Composition dependent band offsets of ZnO and its ternary alloys, Scientific Reports,7, 41567(2017). 3. Li Niu, Huan Wang, Lina Bai, Ximing Rong, Xiaojie Liu, Hua Li, Haitao Yin*, Spin filtering in transition-metal phthalocyanine molecules from first principles,Front. Phys. 12(4), 127207 (2017). 4. Yin Wang, Haitao Yin*, Ronggen Cao, Ferdows Zahid, Yu Zhu,Lei Liu, Jian Wang, and Hong Guo, Electronic structure of III-V zinc-blende semiconductors from first principles, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235203(2013). 5. Xiaojie Liu, Junli Chen, Hang Yin, Lina Bai, Chengbao Yao, Hua Li, Haitao Yin* & Yin Wang, Predicting band offset of lattice matched ZnO and BeCdO heterojunction from first principles, Mater. Res. Lett. 7, 232–238(2019). 6. Xing Wen, Cheng-Bao Yao⁎ , Yue Han, Yu Cai, Ke-Xin Zhang, Hai-Tao Yin⁎ , Wen-Jun Sun,Influence of experimental parameters on linear, nonlinear optical and ultrafast dynamics properties of In doped ZnO nanorods, Optics and Laser Technology 113, 57–63 (2019). 7. Xiaojie Liu, Tianjiao Wang, Li Niu, Yin Wang, Qiang Zhang, and Haitao Yin* Magnetic proximity, magnetoresistance and spin filtering effect in a binuclear ferric phthalocyanine from first principles, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 035305 (2020). 8. Jingyuan Huang, Bairui Tao, Qiang Zhang, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin*, Defect-Induced Different Band Alignment and Transport of AllPhosphorene Devices from First Principles, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4, 2070−2076 (2022). 9. Haichao Lü, Yang Zhang, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, Qiang Zhang, and Haitao Yin,∗Theoretical limit of how small we can make MoS2 transistor channels, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 105304 (2022). 10. Tianjiao Li, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, Ronggen Caoc and Haitao Yin,Electronic structures of Zn1-xGaxO1-xNx and band offsets of the ZnO/Zn1-xGaxO1-xNx heterojunction across the entire concentration range from first principles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, 375(2022). 11. Bo Zhang, Bairui Tao, Xiaojie Liu, Weiqi Li, Haitao Yin∗, Perfect dual spin filtering effect and large magnetoresistance in all-carbon devices based on C18 cyclo molecule from first principles,Physics Letters A 441, 128166 (2022) 12. Miao Liu, Bairui Tao, Bo Zhang, Huan Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin*, Anisotropic Low Schottky Barrier and Transport Properties of the Co-Intercalated Bilayer SnS2/Monolayer SnS2 Junction from First Principles, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 5, 2115−2121(2023). 13. Ze-Miao Wang, Cheng-Bao Yao, Li-Yuan Wang, Xue Wang, Cai-Hong Jiang, and Hai-Tao Yin*, Charge Mobility and Strain Engineering in Two-Step MS-Grown MoS2/Seed Layer Heterointerface and Photo-Excitation Mechanism, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15, 17364−17376 (2023). 14. Bing-Yin Shi, Cheng-Bao Yao, Hong-Yu Li, Hong-Xu Cao, Xin-Yu Zheng, Yu Liu, and Hai-Tao Yin*, Engineering the Interface of Cu/MoS2 Nanostructures for Improved Charge Transfer for Applications as PEC Anode Materials ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 2972−2984(2023). 15. Hong-Yu Li, Cheng-Bao Yao , Bing-Yin Shi, Hong-Xu Cao, Xin-Yu Zheng, Yu Liu, Hai-Tao Yin⁎, Hydrothermal controlled growth of MoTe2/MoO3−x materials: Synthesis mechanism, light-matter interaction and its photoelectrochemical activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 939, 168697(2023). 16. Cai-Hong Jiang, Cheng-Bao Yao , Li-Yuan Wang, Xue Wang, Ze-Miao Wang, Hai-Tao Yin*, Interface engineering of modified ZnO@MoS2 heterostructure to efficiently enhance charge transfers and carrier regulation, Journal of Luminescence 255 , 119546 (2023). 17. Bo Zhang, Bairui Tao, Hua Li, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin∗,Robust pure spin currents in a binuclear ferric phthalocyanine junction driven by the photogalvanic effect, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56,295302 (2023). 18. Li-Yuan Wang , Cheng-Bao Yao , Xue Wang, Ze-Miao Wang , Cai-Hong Jiang , Hai-Tao Yin * ,Strain and interface engineering of MoS2 nanosheets decorated with Ag nanoparticles and its light-matter coupling in photoexcitation, Optics & Laser Technology 165, 109592(2023) . 19. Xiaojie Liu, Bairui Tao, Yin Wang and Haitao Yin, Pure spin current in a cobalt phthalocyanine chain induced by the photogalvanic effect,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 20331(2023). 20. Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin, Effect of vacancy defects on transport in all-phosphorene nanoribbon devices from first principles, Jingyuan Huang, Qiang Zhang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 18378(2023). 21. Huijie Wu, Xiaojie Liu, Lifeng Feng and Haitao Yin∗,Gating and photogalvanic effect tuning the spin transport in single, chromium porphyrin fromfirst principles,Phys. Scr. 98, 105407 (2023). 22. Han Xu, Birui Tao, Bo Zhang, Xiaojie Liu, YinWang and Haitao Yin,∗Robustness of transport properties to bending angles from edgestate contributions in flexible MoS2 nanoribbon, Phys. Scr. 98, 115933(2023). 23. Yu Liu, Hong-Yu Li, Hong-Xu Cao, Xin-Yu Zheng, Bing- Yin Shi and Hai-Tao Yin, Defect and interface/surface engineering synergistically modulated electron transfer and nonlinear absorption properties in MoX2 (X = Se, S, Te)@ZnO heterojunction, Nanoscale, 16, 1865 (2024). 24. Xin-Yu Zheng, Hong-Yu Li, Bing-Yin Shi, Hong-Xu Cao, Yu Liu and Hai-Tao Yin*, Study on interface engineering and chemical bonding of the ReS2@ZnO heterointerface for efficient charge transfer and nonlinear optical conversion efficiency, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 3008(2024). 25.Xinzhu Lu, Bairui Tao, Yifei Cong, Xiaojie Liu, Yin Wang, and Haitao Yin*, Bending Direction-Related Anisotropic Transport Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Janus MoSSe Devices, doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.4c00238(2024).