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孙鉴波 教授,博士生导师,现任哈尔滨师范大学物理与电子工程学院材料科学与工程系主任,黑龙江省优秀青年基金获得者。 2012年毕业于吉林大学电子科学与工程学院,获理学博士学位。主要研究方向为先进功能纳米材料及气体传感器的研究。主持并参与国家自然科学基金项目2项、黑龙江省优秀青年基金1项、黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划,2022年入选科技创新攀登计划,获得校优秀青年基金。2015年第六届优秀中青年教师教学一等奖, 2017年获得“宁齐堃”教学能力奖,2013至2019连续指导全国大学生物理竞赛,获得省级一等奖,国家三等奖,2024指导全国大学生“互联网+”竞赛获得省级银奖。以第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Sens.Actuators B:Chem,J.Hazard Mater等杂志共发表SCI收录论文50余篇,文章引用1200余次H因子19,获授权发明专利3项,出版教材2部。
2015年第六届优秀中青年教师教学一等奖 “宁齐堃”教学能力奖, 2013至2016连续指导全国大学生物理竞赛,获得省级一等奖,国家三等奖, 2013-2014指导全国大学生创业创新训练项目
主持或担任科研项目: [1]黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目,光活化型复合氧化物半导体气体传感器的研究,(NO.12541224),主持2.5万。 [2]国家自然科学基金(No. 61403110)名称:基于半导体氧化物纳米结构栅极的紫外光增感型场效应管VOCs传感器,项目起止年月:2015年01月至 2017年 12月,主持26万。 [3]基于三维网状石墨烯分层修饰光阳极的逐层功能化染料敏化太阳能电池的研究。(No. 61604116)项目起止年月:2017年01月至 2019年 12月,国家自然科学基金委员会,合作1.8万 [4]省教育厅关于开展2016年青年创新人才培养计划第二批人选, (No.UNPYSCT-2016180),低功耗光增强型酒驾检测气体传感器的研究主持10万. [5]黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目,基于光激发机制的高选择性丙酮气体传感器的研究,2019.1-2021.12,(No.YQ2019F013),主持10 万元; [6]集成化芯片式呼气标志物气体传感器研究,哈尔滨师范大学科技创新攀登计划,2021.10-2024.9,( No.2021-KYYWF-0166),主持30万 代表性论文: [1]Jiashan Cui, Jianbo Sun*, Xin Liu, Jinwei Li, Xinzhi Ma, Tingting Chen, Fabrication of hierarchical flower-like porous ZnO nanostructures from layered ZnC2O4·3Zn(OH)2 and gas sensing properties, Applied Surface Science 308 (2014) 17–23. [2]Xin Liu, Jiashan Cui, Jianbo Sun*,Xitian Zhang*,3D graphene aerogel-supported SnO2 nanoparticles for efficient detection of NO2, RSC Advanced, 2014,4, 22601-22605. [3]Jianbo Sun,Peng Sun, Dalin Zhang, Jing Xu, Xishuang Liang, Fengmin Liu,Geyu Lu*,Growth of SnO2 nanowire arrays by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis and their gas sensing performance, RSC Advanced,2014, 4, 43429–43435. [4] Xin Liu,Jinwei Li,Jianbo Sun*,Xitian Zhang* ,3D Fe3O4 nanoparticles/graphene aerogels for NO2 sensing at room temperature, RSC Adv., 2015,5, 73699-73704。 [5] Xin Liu, Jianbo Sun*, Xitian Zhang*, Novel 3D graphene aerogel–ZnO composites as efficient detection for NO2 at room temperature, Sensors and Actuators B 211 (2015) 220-226. [6] Jinwei Li, Xin Liu, Jiashan Cui, Jianbo Sun*, Hydrothermal Synthesis of Self-Assembled Hierarchical Tungsten Oxides Hollow Spheres and Their Gas Sensing Properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7 (19), pp 10108–10114. [7] Wei Xu,Jinwei Li,Jianbo Sun*,Fabrication of monodispersed hollow flower-like porous In2O3 nanostructures and their application as gas sensors, RSC Advanced, 2015,5, 81407-81414. [8] Jing Li, Xin Liu,Jianbo Sun*,One step solvothermal synthesis of urchin-like ZnO nanorods/graphene hollow spheres and their NO2 gas sensing properties, Ceramics International,2016,42,2085–2090 . [9] Jing Li,Weiguang Zhang*, JianboSun*,Enhanced NO2 detection using hierarchical porous ZnO nanoflowers modified with graphene, Ceramics International, 42,(2016),9851–9857. [10] Xin Liu,and Jianbo Sun*,Facile Synthesis of Cu/Cu2O Nanoparticles–Graphene Composites for Efficient Detection of NO2 at Room Temperature, NANO, 11, (2016) 1650102. [11] Zhenbo Wang, Dong Wang, Jianbo Sun*, Controlled synthesis of defect-rich ultrathin two-dimensional WO3 nanosheets for NO2 gas detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 245, 2017, 828–834. [12] Jing Guo, Xin Liu, Haomeng Wang, Wenjun Sun*, Jianbo Sun*, Synthesis of hollow tubular reduced graphene oxide/SnO2 composites and their gas sensing properties, Materials Letters 209 (2017) 102–105. [13]Tong Wu, Zhenbo Wang, Menghan Tian, Jiayu Miao, Haixue Zhang, Jianbo Sun*,UV excitation NO2 gas sensor sensitized by ZnO quantum dots at roomtemperature, Sensors and Actuators B,259,(2018),526–531. [14]Menghan Tian, Jiayu Miao, Pengfei Cheng, Hongchen Mu, Jinchun Tu*, Jianbo Sun, Layer-by-layer nanocomposites consisting of Co3O4 and reduced graphene(rGO) nanosheets for high selectivity ethanol gas sensors, Applied Surface Science 479 (2019) 601–607. [15]Zheying Wang, Jiayu Miao, Haixue Zhang, Dong Wang*,Jinbo Sun*,Hollow cubic ZnSnO3 with abundant oxygen vacancies for H2S gas sensing, Journal of Hazardous Materials,391, 5 2020, 122226. [16]Jianbo Sun, Haixue Zhang, Xin Liu*, Jinchun Tu*, Porous CdSnO3 nanocubics synthesized under suitable pH value for targeted H2S detection, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical 336 (2022) 113408. [17]Weimeng Zheng, Zhongyue Zhang, Nannan Liu, Qingyu Li, Jianbo Sun*, Heterolayered SnO2/SnSe Nanosheets for Detection of NO2 at Room Temperature, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2022, 5, 2436-2444. [18]Tianchen Jiang, Xin Liu*, Jianbo Sun*, UV-enhanced NO2 sensor using ZnO quantum dots sensitized SnO2 porous nanowires, Nanotechnology 33 (2022) 185501 (9pp). [19] Zhongyue Zhang , Yang Song , Jianbo Sun*,Self-stacked Co(OH)2/Co3O4 nanosheets for high-selectivity gas sensor to n-butyl alcohol ,Applied Surface Science, 610, 2023, 155438. [20] Bing Yang, Yue Song, Yang Song, Ziyu Ma, Jianbo Sun *, TiO2 QDs/MoSe2 heterojunctions for enhanced photo-excited charge separation and gas sensing performance, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 379 (2023) 133124. [21] Yue Song, Bing Yang, Ziyu Ma, Yang Song, Jianbo Sun*, Fabrication of Sx/In2O3-x based microsphere for photoexcitation enhancing the NO2 gas detection properties, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,379 (2023) 133162. [22] Ziyu Ma, Bing Yang, Yue Song, Yang Song, Jianbo Sun *, Highly conductive ZIF-67 derived La-doped hollow structure for H2S detection, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical,379 (2023) 133139. [23] Dong Wang*, Mingcong Tang, Hairui Fang, Jianbo Sun*, Detection of elemental mercury in flue-gas by a chemosensitive SnS–SnO2 composite sensor, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 318 (2020) 128290. [24]Hanjin Jiang, Hairui Fang, Dong Wang*, Jianbo Sun*,Spray Coated Commercial PTFE Membrane from MoS2/LaF3/PDMS Ink as Solar Absorber for Efficient Solar Steam Generation, SOLAR RRL, 4, 2020,200012. 专利: [1] 多孔锡酸镉材料、其合成方法及硫化氢预警传感器, ZL 2019 1 1177602.3 [2] 光增感型多孔氧化锡复合材料、其合成方法及环境传感器, ZL 2019 1 1177601.9