职  称:教授






  • 稀土掺杂新型光功能材料发光性质研究, 黑龙江省科学技术奖励委员会, 黑龙江省科学技术奖(自然科学类), 三等奖, 2013。


  • 科技英语、理论力学


  • 主持或担任科研项目:
    [1]2014.1~2016.12 主持国家自然科学基金(51302055):两步外磁场诱导稀土元素掺杂的Ca3Co4O9+δ基材料合成及输运机理研究;
    [2]2013.1~2013.12 主持国家自然科学基金(11247271):稀土掺杂对Ca3Co4O9+δ基材料自旋态密度影响规律研究;
    [3]2012.1~2014.12 主持黑龙江省自然科学基金(QC2011C026):钴基氧化物材料热电性能与磁性能关系;
    [4]2010.1~2012.12 主持黑龙江省教育厅项目(1155118):P型CsBi4Te6/ Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey 梯度材料结构优化与热电制冷性能研究;
    [5]5.2014.1~2016.12 主持黑龙江省教育厅项目(12541229):外磁场作用下稀土元素掺杂的Ca3Co4O9+δ基材料生长规律及热电性能研究;
    [6]2013.1~2015.12 主持哈尔滨市科技创新人才项目(2013RFQXJ135):Ca3Co4O9+δ基材料的磁场辅助合成及热电性能研究:
    [7]2013.1~2015.12 主持哈尔滨师范大学预研项目(12XYG-09):外磁场作用下稀土元素掺杂的Ca3Co4O9+δ基材料生长规律及热电性能研究。
    [8]2020.4~2022.6 主持教育部学校规划建设发展中心项目(CSDP20LF7A210):新材料产业产教融合发展框架设计与节点城市改革。
    [1]X.R. Qu, W. Wang, S.C. Lv, D.C. Jia*, Thermoelectric properties and electronic structure of Al-doped ZnO, Solid State Commun. 151, 332-336, 2011. (SCI)
    [2]X.R. Qu, D.C. Jia, J.M. Hu, S.C. Lü, Growth mechanism and thermoelectric properties of β-FeSi2 matrix with Si nanowires, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 176, 1291-1296, 2011. (SCI)
    [3]X.R. Qu, W. Wang, W. Liu, Z.H. Yang, X.M. Duan, D.C. Jia*, Antioxidation and thermoelectric properties of ZnO nanoparticles-coated b-FeSi2, Mater. Chem. Phys.129, 331-336, 2011. (SCI)
    [4]X.R. Qu, S.C. Lü, J.M. Hu, Q.Y. Meng, Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of b-FeSi2 ceramics fabricated by hot-pressing and spark plasma sintering, J. Alloys Compd.509, 10217-10221, 2011. (SCI)
    [5]X.R. Qu, S.C. Lü, D.C. Jia, S.F. Fu, Electronic structure and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol.11, 9679-9683, 2011. (SCI)
    [6]X.R. Qu, S.C. Lü, L.N. Bai, Q.G. Meng, D.C. Jia, Electronic structure and optical properties of Sn-doped ZnO, Phys. B 407, 268-270, 2012. (SCI)
    [7]X.R. Qu, W. Wang, W. Liu, Z.H. Yang, X.M. Duan, D.C. Jia*, The growth and optical property of ZnO rods evolved from layered basic zinc acetate in humid atmosphere, Mat Sci Semicond Process14, 241-246, 2011. (SCI)
    [8]X.R. Qu, S.C. Lü, J.J. Wang, Z.Q. Li, H.J. Xue, Preparation and optical property of porous ZnO nanobelts, Mat Sci Semicond Process 15, 244-250, 2012. (SCI)
    [9] X.R. Qu*, S.C. Lü, D.C. Jia, S. Zhou, Q.Y. Meng, First-principles study of the electronic structure of Al and Sn co-doping ZnO system, Mat Sci Semicond Process 16, 1057-1062, 2013. (SCI)
    [10]X.R. Qu, D.C. Jia, Controlled Growth and Optical Properties of Al3+ Doped ZnO Nanodisks and Nanorod Clusters, Mater. Lett. 63(3-4) (2009) 412-414. (SCI)
    [11]X.R. Qu, D.C. Jia, Synthesis of Octahedral ZnO Mesoscale Superstructures via Thermal Decomposing Octahedral Zinc Hydroxide Precursors, J. Cryst. Growth. 311(2009) 1223-1228. (SCI)
    [12]X.R. Qu, D.C. Jia, Preparation and Thermoelectric Properties of Al-doped ZnO Ceramics, Key Eng. Mater. 368-372 (2008) 562-564. (EI)
    [13] X.R. Qu*, S.C. Lü, S.F. Fu, Q.Y. Meng, Synthesis and magnetic properties of water-based Fe3O4 ferrofluid, Key Eng. Mater. 428-429, 533-536, 2010. (EI)
    [14]X.R. Qu*, D.C. Jia, The growth mechanism and optical property of ball-like ZnO mesoscale superstructure, Key Eng. Mater. 434-435, 844-846, 2010. (EI)
    [15]Y.Y. Xu, X.R. Qu*, S.C. Lü, Y. Qian, J.M. Hu, Q.Y. Meng. Microstructure and electrical transport properties of Ca3Co4-xMnxO9+δ ceramics fabricated under two-step externalmagnetic field, Ceramics International, 42, 6107–6114, 2016. (SCI)
    [16]Y.Y. Xu, X.R. Qu*, S.C. Lü, L.N. Bai, L. Niu. Influence of external magnetic field on microstructure and electrical transport properties of Ca3-xLaxCo4O9+ δ ceramics, Ceramics International, 42, 11404–11410, 2016. (SCI)
    [1]贾德昌,曲秀荣, 周玉: ZnO/b-FeSi2 复合材料及制备方法。2011.8,中国。专利号:ZL 2008 10209809.X(已授权)
    [2]曲秀荣, 马人佺, 钱宇, 冯继邦, 胡建民, 一种钴基氧化物热电材料的制备方法。2015.12.30, 中国。专利号:ZL201410138341.5