职  称:教授


白丽娜,1981年06月生人,副教授,硕士生导师。2014年博士毕业于吉林大学。先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金3项、黑龙江省自然科学基金2项。近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Applied Surface Science, Physica B: Condensed Matter等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。授权实用新型专利5项。出版学术专著一部。 2005/07 - 2010/06, 哈尔滨师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,助教 2010/07 - 2017/06, 哈尔滨师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,讲师 2017/06 – 至今, 哈尔滨师范大学,物理与电子工程学院,副教授



  • 2018年 全国高等学校物理基础课程青年教师讲课比赛 黑龙江省赛区 一等奖 
    2019年 哈尔滨师范大学“宁齐堃”课程教学能力大赛 一等奖
    2022年 哈尔滨师范大学第三届教师教学创新大赛 二等奖


  • 主讲物理学专业电动力学1及新能源材料与器件专业大学物理等课程


  • 第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SCI相关论文如下:
    1. Zheng Dai, Lina Bai*, Juan Wang, Mingyi Zhang, A first-principles study of Ti2B2T2/MoSi2N4 (T = F, O, OH) van der Waals heterostructures: Response characteristics to external electric field and uniaxial strain, [J] Surfaces and Interfaces, 48 (2024), 104305.
    2. Zheng Dai, Mingyi Zhang, Lina Bai*, Jiahui Wang*, Li Niu, A first-principles study of TiA2P4 (A = Si and Ge) monolayers as excellent electrode materials for Na-ion batteries, [J] Computational Materials Science, 233 (2024), 112728.
    3. Sitong Liu, Lina Bai*, Jiahui Wang, Mingyi Zhang, Li Niu, A first-principles study of functionalization effects on mechanical stability and electronic structure of Mo2B2 monolayers, [J]Materials Letters, 351(2023), 135068.
    4. Xixi Jia, Lina Bai*, Mingyi Zhang, Li Niu, Transition Metal-Doped Boron Phosphide Monolayer in Lithium−Sulfur Batteries with Anchoring Ability and Catalytic Performance: A First-Principles Study, [J]Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(2023), 19963-19972.
    5. Zijiang Zhang, Jiahui Wang, Zheng Dai, Mingyi Zhang, Li Niu, Lina Bai*,  Modulation of contact  types  and  Schottky barrier in Ti3C2T2/TiSi2N4 (T = O or OH) van  der  Waals  heterostructures by biaxial strain  and  external electric  field, [J]Chemical Physics, 573(2023), 111996.
    6. Chang Chen, Lina Bai*, Li Niu, Tuning electronic structures and optical properties of Ti2CO2 MXenes by applying stress, [J]Physica  B: Condensed Matter, 661(2023), 414940.
    7. Jiahui Wang, Lina Bai*, Xiangru Zhao, Chang Chen, Li Niu, Controllable  contact  types  of Janus  MoSH  and  WSi2N4 van  der  Waals heterostructures via  biaxial strain  and  external  electric  field, [J]Physica  E: Low-dimensional  Systems  and  Nanostructures, 149(2023), 115668.
    8. Xixi Jia, Lina Bai*, Mingyi Zhang, Li Niu, First-Principles Investigation of MXene/MoSi2N4 van der Waals Heterostructures: Strong Fermi Level Pinning Effect Resultingin Ohmic Contact with Low Contact Resistance, [J]Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(2023), 18067-18075.
    9. Jiahui Wang, Lina Bai*, Xiangru Zhao, Hong Gao, Li Niu, A DFT prediction of two-dimensional MB3 (M=V, Nb, and Ta) monolayers as excellent anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, [J]RSC Advances, 12(2022), 28525. 
    10. Yuanhao Li, Lina Bai*, Ning Ma, Li Niu, O- or/and S-functionalized Cr2C as electrode material for metal-ion (Li, Na, K, and Mg) batteries: A first principles study, [J]Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1217(2022), 113892. 
    11. Jiahui Wang, Lina Bai*, Lili Wu, Li Niu, Ordered double transition metal MBene: the hexagonal ScTiB2 monolayer as a superior anode material for lithium-ion betteries, [J]Computational Materials Science,  214(2022), 111736. 
    12. Jiahui Wang, Lina Bai*, Chengbao Yao, Li Niu, A DFT computational prediction of 2H phase W2C monolayer and the effect of O functional groups, [J]Physics Letters A, 424(2022), 127842.
    13. Lina Bai, Lingying Kong, Jing Wen, Ning Ma, Hong Gao, Xitian Zhang*, First-principles study of high performance lithium/sodium storage of Ti3C2T2 nanosheets as electrode materials, [J]Chin.Phys.B, 29(2020), 016802.
    14. Lina Bai, Haitao Yin, Lili Wu, and Xitian Zhang*, First-principle study of the Nbn+1CnT2 systems as electrode materials for supercapacitors. Computational Materials Science 143, 225-231 (2018).
    15. Lina Bai, Haitao Yin, and Xitian Zhang*, Energy storage performance of Vn+1Cn monolayer as electrode material studied by first-principles calculations. RSC Advances 6, 54999 (2016).
    16. Lina Bai, Shu Wang, Haiming Sun, Qing Jiang, and Jianshe Lian*, Disordered ZnO nanoparticles with extremely intense deep-levelemission and enhanced photocatalytic activity. Applied Surface Science 313, 888-895 (2014). 
    17. Lina Bai, Fengli Feng, Rui Wang, Qing Jiang, and Jianshe Lian*, Comparative studies of rare-earth element Y-doped In2O3 by first-principles calculations. Chinese Physics Letters 29, 087101 (2014). 
    18. Lina Bai, Yanpeng Wei, Jianshe Lian*, and Qing Jiang, Stability of indium–tin-oxide and its optical properties: A first-principles study. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 74, 446-451 (2013). 
    19. Lina Bai, Biju Zheng, Jianshe Lian*, and Qing Jiang, First-principles calculations of Cd-doped ZnO thin films deposited by pulse laser deposition. Solid State Sciences 14, 698-704 (2012). 
    20. Lina Bai, Jianshe Lian*, Weitao Zheng, and Qing Jiang, First-principles study of optical properties in Ca-doped ZnO alloys. Central European Journal of Physics 10(5), 1144-1149 (2012). 
    21. Lina Bai, Haiming Sun, Jianshe Lian*, Weitao Zheng, and Qing Jiang, Tunable UV absorption and mobility of Yttrium-doped ZnO using first-principles calculations. Chinese Physics Letters 29, 117101 (2012). 
    22. Lina Bai, Jianshe Lian*, and Qing Jiang, Optical and electronic properties of wurtzite structure Zn1?xMgxO alloys. Chinese Physics Letters 28, 117101 (2011). 
    23. Lina Bai, and Ning Ma*, GGA+U method investigating structural and chemical bond properties of CeB6 and EuB6. Physica B: Condensed Matter 405, 4634-4637 (2010). 
    24. Lina Bai, Ning Ma, and Fengli Liu*, Structure and chemical bond characteristics of LaB6. Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 4086-4089 (2009).